This is the Birth Of Do Bears Snore?
Not sure if this is a good idea or not,but oh well I'm doing it anyway!
For a while I wanted to start a formal blog that was a way to get my thoughts out that wasn't Tumblr. What has kept me back for a while was the starting part. I have all of these great ideas for what I want my blog to look like, and the theme behind it, and all types of things I can post! The only problem was I didn't have a blog to execute it. Well now I do!
Here on Do Bears Snore? I want to talk about all the things that go through my head (scary I know) in a clear way that promotes conversations about topics you may or may not know about. Also I want a place where I can test out my skills to see if I am really cut out for the world of writing.
Some things you should know about my blog!
1. I like bears. Hence the title Do bears Snore?
-The do in fact snore! Check it out here!
2. Slurs or any hateful, harmful or generally unhelpful language will not be tolerated. If it adds to the conversation in a helpful manner then it's okay!
-*Note:I may or may not always say something you like, but in a RESPECTFUL and CIVILIZED manner we can talk about the things that rub you the wrong way. Also I tend to curse, that's okay, but I'm trying to cut back...maybe. If you follow me on twitter(I'm sorry if you do) you will know that!
3. I do not always like to be thought provoking (i.e.Tumblr and Twitter), but when I do I want you guys to join in the conversation! Social media is something I adore, and I am trying to use all of the available tools to get the most out of it!
-With that being said. if you have things you want me to see or want to link things back to me, ues the tags :
DoBearsSnore or DBS
TheBearsCocoon or TBC
DontWakeTheSleepingBear or DWTSB
4. I like exclamation points!
5. I may or may not be consistent with posting (sorry I'm new here), but I will promise to TRY and get better!
6. I'm human and I make mistakes. Some of the things I might talk about may come from a place of emotion and be more opinion than actual fact. Please take what I have to say with a grain of salt unless I've cited sources. Then take it with two grains!
As this is my first post(Yay!) and I really don't know what to do for a first post, I'm going to leave now!
Here's a picture of a sleeping bear!
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